Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church
Sunday Worship Services In Person

(Masks optional)

Our worship services are at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday morning and also livestreamed on Facebook.
Please call Rev. Donna+ with any questions. The Church Telephone Number is 434-263-5721 or email her at [email protected].
God Bless you!
Rev. Donna+
Please join us on Sunday or click below to watch our service at 10:00 am Sundays on our Facebook Page or to watch the saved video of the service.
Trinity’s Facebook Page
Recorded Worship Service Videos are saved on Facebook. Click below for a list of Service Videos.
Sunday Worship Service Videos
*Children’s Church School Class begins at 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall. The children join the worship service at The Peace for Communion.

 Upcoming Services and Events


Pledges for 2025

Please remember to bring your 2025 Pledge Card to Church or mail the pledge card to the Church. If you did not receive a pledge card or would like more information, please contact us. We thank you in advance for your pledge or for a donation to the Church.

Donate Now



Advent Lessons & Carols Please join us Sunday Dec. 8th at 10:00 a.m. for our Advent Lessons and Carols Service.


Trinity’s Annual Meeting and Luncheon

Our Annual Meeting will take place following our Advent Lessons and Carols Service on Sunday Dec. 8th. There will be a potluck luncheon following the meeting. 


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Holy Eucharist

Tuesday Dec. 24th at 8:00 p.m.


Christmas Morning Service of Holy Eucharist

Wednesday Dec. 25th at 10:00 a.m.

The Reverend Donna Steckline, Rector

Thanks to All who donated Christmas boxes filled with toys, school supplies and hygiene items to children through the Samaritan’s Purse Project! 


Sharing Episcopal Traditions
in a Rural Community


Church Activities


Noonday Prayer Services Wednesdays at Noon


First and Third Fridays Venison Giveaway!

On the first and third Friday of each month from 3-6 pm, while supplies last, we will give portions of frozen and packaged venison away for free. Trinity Church is located at 475 Oak Ridge Rd., Arrington. Please come to the Parish Hall, the black double doors, just beyond the entrance to the Church to receive the meat. Meat is provided by Hunters for the Hungry. 


Mobile Medical Equipment and Supplies
Every Monday at the Food Lion Parking Lot in Lovingston Virginia from 10:00 a.m to 12 noon.

Free Blood Pressure Checks are provided next to the Mobile Medical Equipment Tent every third Monday of the month.

Trinity has partnered with All Blessings Flow (faith-based nonprofit organization) to provide used Medical Equipment and Supplies to those in need. Every Third Monday of the Month from 10:00 a.m. to noon alongside the Mobile Medical Equipment tent, there will be free Blood Pressure Checks by nurses through Healthy Neighbors. Please spread the word that people can come and have their blood pressure checked by a nurse for free.


Blessings Pantry Free Food and Supplies

Trinity has one of the Community Blessings Food/Supplies Pantries in its parking lot. We are receiving donations from the Church and from the Community.  Please consider donating items to the Pantry and spreading the news to the community where the pantry is located for those in need. We need a good stock to keep the pantry flowing with God’s blessings.
Please bring your items to the Parish Hall. Thank you.


Labyrinth in the Church Cemetery

Please visit and walk our Labyrinth in the Church Cemetery. There is a kiosk with information about the Labyrinth located at the entrance.


Visit our Never Forget Rose in the Never Forget Garden

The rose and plaque were presented to the Church grounds on Memorial Day in honor of all Veterans. Please stop by and see the rose and plaque.